New and Recent Releases.

Mini Sagas Micro Fiction.
I have, for a few years now intended to produce a collection of “Flash Fiction” or “Mini Sagas” as I prefer to call these noticeably short tales.
The world is changing and I, like many others, must adapt. Shorter tales, those you can read whilst waiting in the doctor’s surgery, the hairdressers, in the queue at Tesco have become important, noticeable and I, like any other writer, wish my tales to be read. This collection is aimed at those in the internet age that have little time, but still enjoy fiction, wonderful tales thoughtful but short. Horror, fantasy, and myth fill these pages with drama and pathos.
Each of these tales can be read in five minutes or less but still exude darkness, myth and have a hint of the classic faerie Tale. I hope that you enjoy them.
"Short but Sharp" Bob Mayer, The Independant "Clipped and curiously complete" Marsha Lock, Peoples Own
"The Future of "Fiction" Shane Welsh, Science Monthly
The Dead Girl and The Wandering Tree
September 2022
The dead girl was not always dead, once she lived and played like other girls, like her sister, until one day the river took her. Near the river lies the Wandering Tree, beneath its branches children play, animals' hide, and insects gather. An old tree harbor's many secrets and life is only one of them.
A broken man lives near the Wandering Tree, a man who has lost a wife and later a daughter. The river gives life to the tree and all surrounding it, the broken man, the dead girl, and the creatures, human, animal, and elemental, who rely upon its bounty. Not all is right with the river, the Wandering Tree and the lands surrounding it. An insidious cancer grows, takes root, and spreads, infecting all those who live around and in the river. The dead girl, the broken man, the sad Moonchild and all the creatures who live by the river must find the root of this blight and destroy it before it consumes them.
Imagine a faerie tale by a master storyteller, romance, suspense, horror, and fantasy crafted perfectly. I cannot get enough of this. Robert Anderson author of Elizabeth
Truth, wonder and an overriding innocence that glamours, dark, beautiful, and mysterious, I was enchanted.
Carrie Lewis author of Infidelity
Wondrous. The Scotsman. Spellbinding. The Glasgow Herald. Bittersweet: a must read. The Metro

As time passes, everything changes. The world we live in is in turmoil, we stampede from one crisis to the next, never heeding the grand design, if indeed there is one. Imagine now that nothing changes, the world turns and adapts through time but now. The now, we know today it is the same as it always was, the same as it always will be. Has the world not always suffered from turmoil, are our lives different from those who have gone before us with few differences? Here, the characters, timeless, are essentially the same though they live centuries apart, their thoughts, hopes and fears differ little from the reality of today, their goals similar; to eat, have happy lives, to love and be loved, to search endlessly for a contentment that can never be realized. Raymond Walker has brought these unanswered questions to life in an exciting tale of love, passion and loss, romance and war that will keep every reader mesmerized from the very first pages to the dramatic conclusion.
"Wow" is all I have to say, "blown away". Barshay Mink. Author of "The Philosophy of Romance".
"The best romance ever written; I cried the whole way through" Margie Fields. Womans Own Weekly.
"I smiled and sighed then I wept and smiled. Beautiful. Barney Myscoff. Author of "leaving"
"This is the heart of romance". Cathy Wells. Author of "From my own front door"
"Every night, trying to sleep, this book stays on my mind". Marla Bainton. Red Lace Books.
"A masterpiece of romantic literature" Baine Smith. Lucky Dice romance and Erotica.
" Beautiful and Difficult, easily read, odd, I know not what to make of this book other than that I loved every minute of it.
"A Shiver" Twentieth Anniversary Edition
October 2022
The Dread Damnable and Macabre
July 2022
Do we really know ourselves or just place a mask over who we truly are? Do we have a dark side? A desire you tell no one of, a strange lingering need. Many have. Most have. What then do you do when you discover it?
From the pen of Raymond Walker, master of the horror story comes this collection of shattering tales. You will find yourself growing uneasy, awkward, or strange whilst reading of man’s domination of women, illicit love affairs, nurture destroying nature, monsters who are real and often all too human. Wrath and war seep through into everyday lives and those once good will end up damned. Those damned will revel in the abandonment of Hell. You may feel odd reading these tales, most who read them used the words “uneasy”, Queasy" some suggested, “Strange” others “Discomfited” Most saw themselves somewhere in these stories.
Mr. Walker draws you in and skews perceptions of yourself while telling some cracking horror stories.
Robert Anderson. Author of Elizabeth and From the Top