I am impatient, Impulsive, silly. When something is ready to be released I find it difficult to refrain from doing so. In a short time you have been presented with three collections of short tales. Each original, each with it's own feel and sensibilities. All of which, I hope you enjoy.
"Trow" came first, an original in every way, even unto the publication. This was soon followed by "Hiding from the light" which was designed to be a dark version of "Moonchild and other Tales" and in the near future you will be presented with "Beastie" which is centered around the last of the Kilmartin Tales.
I thought it appropriate to go out with fireworks flashing in the night, showing off some of my work rather than with a whimper. As this is the last book you will see from me for some time. I do not mean to suggest that this book will be my swan song. I am still hoping that in a year or two you will be delivered, the novel, "The Dark Kind" and the second volume in "The Sea Shall Give up it's Dead" Trilogy. Rather It will be the last for some time,
Until the next. Watch out for it as it will be available soon.
