For a new book to come out., and I am not one to disapoint my readers.
"He, who is Lost" will be released at midnight tomorrow. The book has been written for quite a while now, as some will know, but the official release date is; The fourteenth of April. So it will be available to buy from midnight tomorrow. Already my best selling book to date, advance orders have been pouring in after all the wonderful pre-publication reviews, I am hoping that it will finaly give me a "best seller". The closest I have come before was with "A Pale Shadow Creeps" but it did not make the best sellers list, stalling at one hundred and two. Nearly but no cigar. I am hoping that "He, who is Lost" will finaly put me on the list. Please go to www.raytwalker.com to read some of the mentioned "reviews" or if caught up in a spirit of "I Just Want to buy the book"
For e-books purchasce here (just copy and paste) https://www.amazon.co.uk/who-Lost-Kilmarin-Raymond-Walker-ebook/dp/B07QL3CQ5T/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=He+who+is+lost&qid=1555092317&s=digital-text&sr=1-1
And to all who do buy the book. Thank you.