There are currently three new novels on the go, two of which are in a little disrepair; The first, Somerled, has had a few misfires and I am still unsure wither to write it as historical fantasy or fiction though at the moment I err towards the fantasy, but both proceed in two different camps until I make up my mind. The second is Moonchild, which though a novel will be in its own way a sequel to “A River of Tears” The third which so far has been very easy to write is currently called “Written in the stars” which, though suitable is a title that is a little to twee for me even for what purports itself to be a romance. It is going great and the fourth and fifth chapters will appear here, under “Stay with me for a while” within the next few weeks. Probably together which will make me late for the fourth instalment and early for the fifth. Also I have a small shadow fourth project which to be honest I am spending little time on but it is kind of the one I am working on when I go slow with one of the others but letting you into a secret here it is a biblical horror story and is really going rather well and may well become more than just what I write when I am losing with the others. Wait and see.
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